We have the resources and knowledge to rapidly respond to a wide range of regulatory inquiries and orders. From enterprise wide assignments to product specific responses, we have the capability to assemble cross disciplinary groups to assess client needs and propose executable solutions. We are project minded, applying our deep understanding through established tools and processes, and integrating our team into each client’s systems. Our groups know banks from the inside, many of us having served as executive and senior level in house counsel, including general counsel. We understand bank regulator’s needs and strive to deliver them for the client.
We also understand bank and corporate governance, from the division to the board of director level. Our group has advised executives and directors on risk assessment and management, data aggregation, committee structure, succession, executive roles and responsibilities, and governance structure. We can assess governance and provide guidance to meet regulators expectations, including under heightened expectations for the largest banks and safety and soundness for banks large and small.