Posts in Social Media.
The Supreme Court’s Facebook Ruling Narrows TCPA Claims—But Does Not Eliminate Them

Last month, the Supreme Court resolved a long-standing circuit split over the definition of an “automatic telephone dialing system” (ATDS) under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The highly-anticipated decision in Facebook v. Duguid narrowed the type of equipment that constitutes an ATDS, and therefore drastically limited the scope of “automated” calls and texts that violate the TCPA.  

What’s next for Facebook?

Now that the cameras have gone, the booster cushion has been removed from the witness chair, and Mark Zuckerberg is comfortably back in in Palo Alto, having survived his marathon two-days of testimony in front of a somewhat confused Congress, what’s next? 


Following the revelations that a political marketing firm, Cambridge Analytica, improperly obtained personal information from approximately 87 million Facebook user profiles (including even Mark Zuckerberg’s!), Congress has more support than ever to regulate Facebook and other social media tech.  On his ...

Mobile Applications that Track User Information Have the FTC’s Attention

by Member Omari Sealy
Similar to website browsers, many mobile applications collect a variety of information from the user, including, the user’s identity, usage history, past log-ins, and location.  This enables the application to provide various functionality and to tailor features of the application for a better user experience (e.g., items retained in a shopping cart or targeted advertising).  These applications can be found in a variety of everyday devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart TVs, and even in some newer automobiles.  However, the enhanced ...

User Beware: Facebook’s Platform Considered to be “Privacy Nightmare”

By:  Tandy Blackburn and Mindy Vervais

On May 4, 2015, Facebook introduced Platform, an open program for developers to create services that integrate with  However, many privacy advocates have deemed the Platform to be a “privacy nightmare” for internet users in developing countries where is offered.

Nearly a year ago, Facebook first introduced and its companion mobile application, App (“the App”) to the world, starting with the African country of Zambia.  Facebook has since introduced ...

Do Employees Have the Right to Access Social Media in the Workplace?  Can Employers Block Social Media Websites?

A Pew Foundation study earlier this year found that 87% of all adults in the United States access the Internet or email, either through computers or mobile devices.  The same study found that of those adults, as many as 74% are using some form of social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.  Given those numbers, it’s no wonder that many employers are concerned with managing their employees’ use of social media at work.

The conventional wisdom among many employers has long been that access to social media can be harmful to worker productivity.  Visions of ...

Social Media Password Protection: Where are we now?

In just two years, social media password protection has gone from a privacy advocate’s dream to an employer’s harsh reality in many states.  Maryland became the first state (in 2012) to enact legislation that prevented employers from requesting the user names or passwords to an employee’s or applicant’s personal social media accounts.  Two states quickly joined Maryland in 2012 by passing similar password privacy laws, and nine more states added privacy protections in 2013.

So far in 2014, six states – Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee and ...

Social Media - Love it or leave it?

Social Media - Love it or leave it? Charlotte Privacy & Data Security Member Karin McGinnis was published in Business North Carolina’s 2014 Law Journal, which was included in the publication’s May issue.  Her article, “Love it or leave it?” examines the pros and cons of social media use among businesses, and the “key strategy” – a business’s social media policy.

"Social media, love it or leave it? Social media has become an indispensable part of business. There is no question that social media is an effective marketing tool. Statistics show that 14% of consumers do not ...

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