Taylor's InsideCounsel Technology Series Continues


Commercial and Technology Transactions Senior Counsel Todd Taylor has continued his InsideCounsel.com Technology series with two additional columns.  

Taylor's column "Navigating the export control maze" was published on January 11. "'As a U.S. business grows into a global enterprise, it must pay attention to export regulations impacting the shipment (or transmission) of items and technology outside the U.S. Unfortunately, export control regulations are incredible complex,'" he states. 

His column "The biggest social media lesson of 2012," published on December 28, addressed the issue of whether employers could/should be permitted to ask their employees and prospective employees for social media passwords. "'As the year progressed, many state legislatures quickly jumped in to address the issue,'" Taylor stated.

Taylor's previous Technology columns have included: “Defending against cyber attacks,” published on December 14, and “Technology: 4 important issues to address in the brave new world of BYOD programs,” published on November 30. 




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