Our professionals work on behalf of developers, property owners, corporate relocation prospects, institutional investors, and other businesses and individuals on the full range of land use, zoning, and local and state regulations.


Our Land Use & Zoning group has extensive experience working with municipalities and other state and local agencies throughout the Carolinas, and works seamlessly with our real estate, economic development, government relations, and public affairs professionals to provide a comprehensive approach to the needs of our clients.

Our group members collectively have decades of experience handling land use, zoning, and regulatory matters involving high profile and complex projects in the Charlotte region and beyond. At the same time, our group recognizes that small land use matters can have tremendous implications for clients and offers the knowledge and the efficiency that comes with a deep understanding and experience to serve the needs of a broad array of projects and challenges.

Rezoning/Entitlement/Transportation Issues

We provide our clients with extensive market knowledge and deep project experience navigating the rezoning process especially on complex projects, which regularly call for navigating transportation issues with CDOT and NCDOT.

Land-Use/Real Estate Due Diligence

We work day-in-day-out with the City of Charlotte and other municipalities on land-use matters including rezonings, transportation challenges, subdivision, permitting, and other similar analysis.

Economic Development Incentives/Municipal Funding for Infrastructure

We obtain and structure local funding support as well as economic development incentives, public private partnerships for complex real estate projects.





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Ranked Tier 3 in the National Rankings for Land Use & Zoning Law in the 2024 Best Law Firms® rankings

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